Virtual Mercenaries is a game being developed by myself, ScatterBrain, and the SFX master of 0xD15C, Nitro are putting together in Python. It is a console-driven, hacker game, with inspiration being drawn from the many cyberpunk universes out there.

Unfortunately, this is not a Unity game, so playing it is more complicated than loading up a Unity binary in your browser.

You will need the following:

    virtual_mercenary Code

    Python 2.6



‘’ is the mainline.  Double click it to run.

There isn’t much to see, other than the base of interface. Watch the DevBlog for updates and announcements. For now, here are some screenshots:

This is a picture of the main screen.  The computer nodes, the output console, and the process list.

I just found a cosmetic bug. The console commands were just added yesterday and still need to be filled out.

Before bringing pyglet (Python OpenGL library) in to do the full world map.  I wanted to test placing and wiring nodes together. The nodes are placed randomly and an A* search is done to find a path between the nodes. It’s very simple, but the result is a unique map on every run.

At present, wires can’t overlap, so if nodes are placed where they can’t be connected, it just tries again. My theory is that the maps being generated will be fairly linear (no cycles), so I’m not worried about infinite loops, but don’t rule out revisiting the functionality.