©2010 ScatterBrain.cc All rights reserved.

Welcome to ScatterBrain.cc!

My name is Gregory Holden and this is a website I created to display some of my work with Unity3d. I started ScatterBrain.cc in June of 2006 with a goal to develop small games and help others with Unity3d.  Since then I have created a couple of games and helped a few people with theirs; the response thus far has been positive (“that is so f***ing awesome!” and “i love you....”).

In my spare time I am a programmer residing in North Attleboro, MA. I live with my fiance, Melissa, and three cats.

Please feel free to e-mail me at greg@scatterbrain.cc with questions, contracts, requests, or concerns.

Technical Details:

iMac 2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo; 4GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce 9400

Unity3d Licenses: Indie, iPhone Basic

Unity Language: C#

Modeling Software: Cheetah3d

Music Software: GarageBand

Image Software: Adobe Photoshop CS3